Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Family Fun Night

Friday, 28 October, 6-8pm

Dress up in your scariest costume and join us for a Family Halloween Carnival.

Lots and lots of games, cake walk, BBQ and Haunted House!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Community Day - Saturday, 22 October

Saturday, 22 October, 10-1pm

Join us for a traditional TIS Community Day with games and activities for all - BBQ lunch, arts and crafts, face painting and tons of activities to be played.

There will be a 3 on 3 basketball tournament for Grades 4 and up.

10-11am Activities and games for Grades K-1
10:30am Dodgeball game for Grade 1-3
11am-12noon 3 on 3 basketball tournament (Junior, Middle and Senior School)

2nd hand items will be for sale (books, toys etc.)

Come and enjoy the company of the TIS community.

Walk-a-Thon - NEW DATE

The Walk-a-Thon has been rescheduled to Friday, 21 October, 9:30am on the MUST field for SK-Grade 6 students.

Come along and cheer along!

Sodexo - November Menu for students

November menu

Monday, October 17, 2011

TIS to support UNICEF Halloween Fundraising Campaign

TIS will support the UNICEF Halloween Fundraising Campaign, helping rebuild the lives of children affected by the earthquake in April, in Yushu, Qinghai.

Our help goes a long way e.g. HK$20 can buy 250 vitamin A capsules used to prevent vitamin A deficiency.

Last year, the TIS community raised over 10,000MOP.

Students should see their teachers to receive the permission slip to apply for a UNICEF donation box.

Experience Week 2012

TIS Experience Week, 10-17 March, 2012

Planning is well underway for the 2012 Experience Week trips.

Experience Week is an off-site program during which TIS students exchange their classrooms for trips and activities of a lifetime. Through adventure activities and cross cultural interactions, students gain valuable hands-on learning experiences, grow in independence and gain a better understanding of the universe around them.

The complete list of opportunities available can be found here - TIS Experience Week.

Students may decide to undertake an internship at 5 selected Macao businesses during this week. This experience is valuable for university applications and future careers. You can find out more information on the poster attached or by contacting Ms Hubert, jody.hubert@tis.edu.mo. Internships poster.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Walk-a-Thon - UPDATE

PK and JK will take part in the walk-a-thon today (Friday, 14 October) from 9:30-10:30am, in the MPR. Parents are welcome to come along and cheer along.

SK-Grade 6 - the walk-a-thon will not take place today due to the rain. Another date will be scheduled and a notice will be sent home to parents informing of the new date.

Classes are ON at TIS today

Classes are NOT cancelled due to rain. Classes will run as per the normal Friday schedule.

Parents should determine if the current local weather situation makes it safe or unsafe to travel.

Students who do not attend classes today will be considered as excused.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Improving Reading Strategies

Elementary Principal, Vance Boisjoli, shared some helpful tips with parents this morning at the Parent Coffee morning at the school.

Mr. Boisjoli's presentation is available here for all parents to refer to.

Improving reading strategies

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Parent Coffee Time

Thursday, 13 October, 8:30am, Secondary Library

This month's topic will look at improving reading strategies.

Come along to pick up some tips, have a coffee with us and meet other parents.