Friday, September 19, 2008

TIS To Host Canadian Student-Teachers

TIS will participate in a new pilot project aimed at providing international field experience to advanced practicum students from the University of Alberta in Canada. Five students from the Faculty of Education will travel to Macau in February and spend three months at TIS student-teaching in a variety of secondary classes, with current TIS teachers serving as their mentors. The student teachers are highly trained, having already completed at least three and a half years of university as well as experience with previous placements in Alberta schools.
The practicum is a required component of the education degree at the University of Alberta; however, the pilot project represents the first time it has been undertaken outside of the province of Alberta. TIS Principal Real Hryhirchuk says having the practicum at TIS makes perfect sense. “Since TIS teaches the Alberta curriculum, the student teachers will receive the same training as they would if they were in Alberta. They’ll also gain some off-shore teaching experience, which will serve them well in their future careers”. If deemed a success, the practicum program at TIS would become a regular offering to University of Alberta

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